Monk Believes He s a Cop Again

Season viii (Monk)
1 two iii 4 5 half dozen 7
8 nine 10 11 12 13 xiv
fifteen 16
Season vii THE End

Mr. Monk and the Badge is the fourteenth episode of the 8th flavor of Monk.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
    • 2.1 Here'due south What Happened
  • 3 Production
  • 4 Sources

Synopsis [ ]

Monk finds his return to the police force to be more challenging than he expected when he becomes involved in the case of a serial killer.

Plot [ ]

Helm Stottlemeyer calls Adrian Monk to his office for some important news. Monk assumes the worst, and Stottlemeyer's choice of words for a preamble are badly chosen: the Department has decided to no longer utilise Monk every bit a consultant... before he can end, Monk storms out of his role in despair, and Natalie directs a few precipitous words at Stottlemeyer and Disher, before following Monk. Stottlemeyer is forced to hunt Monk down in the hallway and tell him the news is good: Monk has been reinstated to the police force, Stottlemeyer hands Monk his badge back, and says, "welcome dorsum, Detective."

Monk is nervous and excited for his beginning solar day back. As Natalie sends Monk off to work, complete with a packed tiffin and his sidearm, she reveals that she has an interview for a glamorous job with a concert promoter. As Monk and Natalie say adieu, Monk laments that this could be the end of their partnership.

At police headquarters, Monk receives a warm welcome from his swain officers. Stottlemeyer has even bundled for Monk to sit at the same desk he used years before.

At the morning curl call, Stottlemeyer welcomes Monk back, and gets down to tell his detectives that they have caught a break on the case of the "Pick Axe Killer", the new serial killer in the city. A adult female who lived down the hall from victim #5 has provided a description of the killer and supplied details to a sketch creative person.

Afterward, Stottlemeyer has Monk'due south old desk-bound brought up from storage. Monk hangs upwardly his photo of Trudy and settles in, but Stottlemeyer informs him that he promised the review board he would keep him on desk-bound duty for a few days, and then move him over to some other squad. He explains that it's protocol and he can't concur Monk's hands anymore. Monk agrees and Stottlemeyer has a patrol officer, Russell DiMarco, gear up up Monk's estimator and hook him into the hotline. DiMarco is a big fan and asks for one of Monk's wipes every bit a souvenir. Monk is conspicuously uncomfortable with the computer.

Afterward, Monk spends his time stacking pencils and incessantly polishing his badge. A signal goes off and Monk is unable to figure out what information technology is. He finally manages to get the phone call and put his headset on. The caller says he knows who the Pickaxe Killer is. Monk tries to log the telephone call on the estimator and keeps putting the caller on hold. Monk is cut off when an excited DiMarco bursts in to inform him that the Pick Axe Killer has been arrested. Monk tries to put a good face on information technology simply is clearly upset that the example was closed without his aid.

That night, at Metropolis Hall, Stottlemeyer calls a press conference to announce that they arrested the Pick Axe Killer, a human better known as Richard Mathis, without incident at his business firm. Monk is at a bar with other cops and are watching the conference. Stottlemeyer introduces Mikhail Almonov, the window washer who is the "hero of the hr". Mikhail tells the printing near what he saw - he claims he was on the Burkman Edifice doing a job when he saw a car going around the foursquare below. He saw a pickaxe in the commuter'due south car, and wrote down a license plate number that he gave to a traffic cop. He'll go a $500,000 reward and the cops discuss whether he'll retire. Monk insists he would not retire and inform the other cops that he'll be riding with Detective Louis Doyle the next week. When one of his fellow officers asks about Natalie, Monk insists she'southward probably miserable.

A week later, Monk is further disappointed when he is removed from desk-bound duty, and assigned to a homicide detail in some other part of the urban center. His new boss, Sergeant Danny Weaver, is a good cop in his own manner, but he's no Stottlemeyer; neither is his new partner, Detective Lewis Doyle. Hanging out in a bar with his squadmates, Monk feels more alone than e'er.

Monk also finds that his new duties include non just homicide investigations, merely likewise responding to more than mundane emergency calls all over the urban center - one comes from a heart-aged lady, Mrs. Edith Capriani, who says that a man named Mr. Barton tried to impale her in her bed by smothering her. Mr. Barton is inside and Edith claims he's going berserk. Monk goes in the forepart while Doyle covers the back. Inside, Monk draws his gun and tries to break the door down. He finally realizes that it's unlocked and goes inside. The only matter within is a cat, and Edith runs in to explicate that Mr. Barton is a cat. As Monk goes to the window to call Doyle, he realizes that the Burkman Building, where Mikhail was washing windows when he spotted the Pick Axe Killer, is nearby.

Natalie is enjoying her exciting new task in the music business, and Monk gives her a phone call. Greetings are exchanged warmly, but their conversation is somewhat stilted, as they realize they don't have much to talk nearly.

Monk has suspicions almost Mikhail'south story, so he takes a intermission from his work with Doyle to investigate the location where Mikhail claimed to spot the Pick Axe Killer. Monk quickly establishes that it would accept been impossible for Mikhail to meet the killer from that vantage point, equally the dominicus was in his eyes. Monk shares this information with Weaver when Weaver is out at the firing range, but it becomes clear that nobody wants to entertain whatsoever theories that might interfere with the successful closure of the highly publicized case. After all, the man they arrested confessed to all v murders, and they establish remains of his victims in his attic.

That dark, Russell DiMarco meets with Mikhail in a deserted parking garage. He gives DiMarco a duffel bag as they agreed, but then shoots DiMarco, takes the handbag back, and runs abroad, leaving him for dead.

The police force believe that DiMarco saw a crime being committed on his manner home, tried to intervene, and was killed. But Monk notices a clue: a coupon clutched in DiMarco's manus, cut along the aforementioned rough outlines as a dollar bill. Monk theorizes that DiMarco was meeting someone to receive some kind of illegal payoff, and that someone tricked him with a wad of fake bills, and then killed him. Monk'due south theory makes him a pariah, equally cops are supposed to protect the reputations of their brethren. Weaver sternly instructs Monk non to even whisper his theory aloud until or unless he is 110% sure.

That night, Edith calls Monk and Doyle again. This time she says that Mr. Lawrence, who lives upstairs, has gone crazy. Monk thinks it's another true cat, simply he discovers that Mr. Lawrence is real when he breaks a window and starts screaming.

Stottlemeyer and Disher go to DiMarco's wake where his co-workers are gathered. They realize Monk is at that place when they discover that the fruit salad has been sorted. They detect him in the bathroom making certain DiMarco didn't have a dog. Stottlemeyer says that and then far, DiMarco has checked out clean, merely they'll go on to practice what they can. Monk finds a passport application to the Cayman Islands. Stottlemeyer takes him out and Monk talks to DiMarco'due south wife. He confirms that DiMarco was planning a trip the Cayman Island and had bought tickets a week agone. Doyle and Weaver angrily pull him away and Stottlemeyer apace gets Monk out.

In session with Dr. Bell, who endorsed his reinstatement, Monk confides with wonder that he was actually happier as a private consultant. For twelve years, getting reinstated has been the merely matter on his mind, and at present that he has, he misses then many things, namely: his partnership with Stottlemeyer and Disher, Natalie's companionship and reliability, and almost of all, the liberty to option and cull his cases, and say what he thinks without fear of existence censored.

If Monk has whatever hope of surviving in his new job, he needs to back up his accusations against Russell DiMarco. That night, Monk sits at his desk and polishes his badge... alone. The janitor, Sam, comes in and has a box filled with DiMarco's personal effects from his locker. Monk goes through it and finds a ticketbook with the imprint of some numbers on it. He uses the pencil to make out a plate number - 447-PCE, the license plate number of the Pick Axe Killer's car. He too finds a Little League baseball cap with the name of a squad that Mikhail the window washer in one case played on.

Here's What Happened [ ]

The next day, Monk goes to see Mikhail, who says he's running later than usual and invites Monk forth on his rise platform. He explains he gave two weeks' observe and then asks what Monk wants. Monk tells him that he's figured that Mikhail and DiMarco were on the same baseball team. When Mikhail realizes that Monk's partner is tardily and doesn't know well-nigh Monk'due south theory, he knocks him out and takes his gun.

Once Monk regains consciousness, despite his fear of heights, he explains what happened: while writing traffic tickets, Russell DiMarco came across the Choice Axe Killer'south car, which he recognized from clues in the backseat. DiMarco had just found the most wanted criminal in San Francisco. Had he acted as a police force officer should he would have been hailed every bit a hero and maybe even fast-tracked for promotion.

Nonetheless, what he really wanted was the reward money which he was ineligible to collect because he was a police officer. He decided that half the money was better than none so instead he recruited Mikhail (they played on the same softball team) equally a front man and fed him the information, planning to divide the reward with him. But Mikhail got greedy and killed DiMarco to go on the advantage for himself. The proof comes from DiMarco's ticket book, as DiMarco had written a ticket for Richard Mathis's motorcar that he never submitted. Monk has solved the case, simply now he'due south got a major problem. Mikhail has pulled a gun and ordered Monk onto the scaffold. Monk called for backup before confronting Mikhail, but his fellow officers, including Doyle, already regard Monk as a nut and have taken their time in responding to his call.

Mikhail admits that Monk is right, and prepares to stage an accident to kill Monk. He puts on a harness and then starts shaking the washer platform back and along. When that doesn't piece of work, Mikhail raises one cease and Monk starts to slide down. Monk hangs off the end of the scaffold by his hands, only manages to catch the control box and tip it in the contrary direction, spilling Mikhail onto his back, and but equally he pulls out his gun to shoot Monk, he stabs Mikhail in the leg with his badge. Monk lowers the scaffold dorsum to street level, where the other detectives, realizing that Monk was right all along, have Mikhail into custody.

A brusk fourth dimension later, Monk turns his badge dorsum in. He's disappointed that his return to the strength didn't last, but now he knows that he doesn't need a badge to be happy, and can become forward to continue on solving crimes on his ain, unique terms. Smiling, Stottlemeyer says there is a nice surprise waiting for Monk in the hallway outside. Monk goes outside and sees Natalie, who's missed the excitement of working with Monk, and has quit her music chore to resume her place at Monk'south side.

Production [ ]

  • This episode was i of two episodes to be adapted from a Lee Goldberg Monk novel. Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse had previously been adapted to the screen in flavor 5 equally "Mr. Monk Can't See a Matter," while "Mr. Monk and the Badge" is adapted from the Golden Gate Strangler and Officer Kent Milner subplots from Mr. Monk and the Blueish Influenza. The graphic symbol of the Pick Axe Killer is based off of the Golden Gate Strangler, and Russell DiMarco was based off of Kent Milner. Mikhail Almonov was based off of Bertrum Gruber. The only difference is that the novel had additional time to explore the original serial killer mystery, and a 2d series killer investigation, in addition to Bertrum Gruber. This would exist impossible to all fit into a 45 minute episode, so the episode only focuses on Monk trying to get other people to believe his theories about the DiMarco murder. The novel besides has Natalie working for Monk during the entire investigation, and has Monk leading the Robbery-Homicide division due to a police strike.
  • Monk expresses disappointment that Stottlemeyer's "surprise" is Natalie, saying he thought "it might be Joey Heatherton". Joey Heatherton has been mentioned several times earlier. In the season three episode "Mr. Monk and the Panic Room", Kurt Wolff mentions a job he did for a beautiful glory Monk instantly assumes it is Joey Heatherton. In the season 6 episode "Mr. Monk Joins a Cult," Stottlemeyer mentions her when he is talking to Monk at the highway rest end where Amanda Clark was killed.
  • In some syndicated versions, the subtitles are consistently wrong. Instead of Mikhail Almonov, the subtitles merits his name is Manny Alvarez. Information technology is likely this is based on an quondam script where he was of Latino or Hispanic origin instead of Eastern European. This also appears on Mikhail's name-tag, which reads "Manny."
  • When Stottlemeyer announces the abort of the Pickaxe Killer, he announces the killer's name as Richard Mathis. Notwithstanding, the idiot box Monk and the other detectives are watching has the proper name "Horace Arthur" under his moving-picture show.

Sources [ ]


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